Interview with The Writing Garnet
#bookdeal #eBook #author #harpercollins #KillerReads

Q&A with Bibliomaniac about writing Losing Juliet
#books #author #eBook #bookdeal #harpercollins #writing

Article in North Leeds Life
#bookdeal #Leeds #books #harpercollins #LosingJuliet #writing

My Top Five editing tips and five from my Editor
#editing #LosingJuliet #bookdeal #books #author #KillerReads #harpercollins #eBook

Interview on Linda's Book Bag
#Lindasbookbag #interview #LosingJuliet #harpercollins #writing

Meeting Sally Wainwright
I recently met Sally Wainwright at a Q&A at Huddersfield University. She is a real hero of mine. I first got acquainted with her work...

Guest post for Leeds Big Bookend about getting the deal
Leeds Writer June Taylor Finally Gets Her Deal! BY FIONA GELL · 10 AUGUST 2016 #books #writing #bookdeal

Guest interview for Vicky Pointing
https://vickykpointing.wordpress.com/2015/05/16/guest-post-june-taylor/ #North #Leeds #flashfiction #writing

Interview with Shelley Instone ... no longer an agent but some good tips from her on how to get one
Ahead of the Meet the Agent event in February with Leeds Big Bookend, I asked Shelley some revealing questions. Thing is, you need to...

Leeds Big Bookend Festival 2014
Big Bookend calls itself a Rock Festival for Words. It's not like other Lit Fests where you see the same names and faces on the festival...